The Circulatory System Study Brief is a condensed quick-reference resource that focuses on the human cardiovascular system, highlighting circulatory system anatomy, heart and lung functions, circulatory functions, and blood and blood vessel components. It is intended as a useful study companion for anatomy, medical and nursing students as well as lifelong learners interested in advanced science topics. This Study Brief begins with a graphical overvview of the circulatory system. It includes a short history of key contributors from the field of science responsible for significant fundamental descriptions and definitive findings that led to our modern understanding of the physiology and functions of the circulatory system. Detailed sections in this Study Brief cover the basics, including: circulatory functions, layers of the heart, chambers of the heart, heart homeostasis, systemic circulation, coronary circulation, hepatic portal circulation, components of blood, elements of blood plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, blood types, blood groups, blood compatibility, blood vessels and blood pressure. Charts, graphs, and anatomical illustrations with key terms labeled are plentiful.